Trusted By Partnership

The innovative Halving Chain within Web3 of the future transforms transitions through scalable, secure, and intuitive systems that seamlessly interact, uphold privacy, and offer drag-and-drop functionalities without the need for coding, ensuring unparalleled speed, adaptability, and economic efficacy


user keys are safeguarded through decentralization and enhanced security, avoiding any storage on servers


Enable compatibility with various blockchains. A unified wallet for managing all your cryptocurrency assets

dApss Development

Integration of Test Networks streamlines dApp development processes and facilitates comprehensive testing.

How Halving Chain Works?

Halving Chain operates as an innovative Layer 2 systems the realm of Web3, harnessing state-of-the-art technologies to optimize the effectiveness, safety, and user accessibility of transitions

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Total Supply:


Staking 8%


Cex listing 12%


Marketing 5%

Halving Chain Products

We aim to continue growing by providing some of our products to holders for their benefit

Halving Chain Dex

Halving Chain functions as a decentralized exchange, enabling direct transactions among cryptocurrency traders. These decentralized exchanges support a fundamental aspect of the crypto sphere: facilitating financial dealings without reliance on traditional banks, brokers, or intermediaries.

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Halving Chain Staking

By pledging your Halving Chain, you actively participate in validating blockchain transactions, thereby enhancing its security and efficiency. Receive your Halving Chain rewards upon unstaking.

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Halving Chain Token Creator

Create a BEP20 Token in less than a minute with the most used Smart Contract Generator for Binance Smart Chain.

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Halving Chain dApps Wallet

Halving Chain software applications are designed to operate within a decentralized computing environment, often on a blockchain infrastructure. Unlike conventional applications reliant on centralized servers, Halving Chain dApps function across a distributed network, eliminating control by any singular entity or individual.

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Halving Chain Blockchain

Halving Chain serves as a distributed ledger that records all transactions occurring within a peer-to-peer network. This innovative technology empowers participants to verify transactions without the necessity of a central clearing authority.

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Nft's Marketplace

The revenue generated by NFT marketplaces predominantly comes from transaction fees, often charged to buyers. This serves as the principal income model for most NFT marketplaces.

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How to buy Halving Chain ?

download metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to

have BNB in your wallet to switch to $HC24. If you don’t have any BNB, you can buy directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

connect to Pancakeswap. Go to in google chrome or on the browser inside your Metamask app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $HC24 token address into Pancakeswap, select HC24, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

After that, check on the Poocoin website to monitor live market price movements by entering the $HC24 contract

Next-Level Layer 2 System

Web3's futuristic advancements redefine transitions, offering scalable, secure, and intuitive systems that seamlessly integrate zero-knowledge support, drag-and-drop functionality, and no-code platforms, ensuring unmatched speed, adaptability, and economic effectiveness


Halving Chain streamlines transaction processing through ZK-Rollups, enhancing the cost-effectiveness and speed of Swap operations. The platform enables users to effortlessly swap assets while ensuring the security and privacy of their transactions


Halving chain provides a safe and protected space for users to stake their assets. With the integration of ZK-Snarks,Halving chain guarantees a heightened level of privacy and security during staking transactions, drawing in users seeking a trustworthy staking systems within the Web3 sphere.

Token Creator

Halving Chain dApps operate on decentralized systems like blockchains, differing from traditional apps reliant on centralized servers. They function within a peer-to-peer network, ensuring no single entity or individual holds control

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